Friday, October 7, 2011

all of washington

not to sound like i'm accepting a tony award, but i really wouldn't be here right now if it weren't for all the people who helped me get it together at the end there. working full time up until the day before leaving for a two-month long bike trip to new orleans may not have made me the most organized, or sane person to be around over the few days. as david so concisely noted, " maybe you were preparing, but it sure didn't look like it." so i am reminded, over and over, how lucky i am to have all these capable, generous, awesome folks in my life, making sure that i get on the road and do this thing, that, really, is all about me. so thank you all. and i am so sorry to anyone i hurt in the process, namely buster's tail.

it's been raining every day, sometimes all day, but mostly from right when i get on my bike until i set up camp. i like it, most of the time. on wednesday, i changed my soaking, dripping clothes three times so i wouldn't freeze, and then i had to stop at a laundromat in longview, washington, because i had nothing left to wear.

also, there are some pictures of the sweet young farmer's party in olympia. so many big thank you's to everyone there for the send-offs, the big love, and making me feel like there is lots in the northwest to come back for.


  1. lets see some action shots!
    one of you, hold the camera on the side of the road, and then film the other huffling and puffling past. Then repeat from the other side of the road, edit them together with amadou and mariam and voila.

  2. "so many big thank you's to everyone there for the send-offs, the big love, and making me feel like there is lots in the northwest to come back for."

    And we will want you back. But have fun on your trip first. ;)
