Friday, November 25, 2011

Rolling resistance matters, or it's not a shortcut when it takes 3 times as long

Today was my worst riding day so far. By far. Okay, so I know better, I really do know better than to use google maps for bikers. But the devil drew me in, promising 10 fewer miles for the day. Before taking off, I called ellen in silver city to check in about the roads. She verified what google seemed to be saying ; there were short cuts on county roads. Earlier directions for different roads had specified 'portions unpaved,' leading me to believe that all portions of the road I was going to use were paved.  Does that make sense to anyone else?
I guess I've gotten used to northwest dirt roads, all hard pack and eroded to rock. I was in no way prepared for the sand box called red rock road that runs west from silver city through gila wilderness. And to boot, it rained last night. So it wasn't like moving through wet sand. Because it turns out you don't move through wet sand.
My shoes were so full of desert concrete that they quit clipping in, and when I cleaned them out,  it seemed like seconds later, i'd have to get off the bike and walk, in turn refilling my cleats with sand.
This 20 miles of plodding happened after 10 miles of riding back and forth on nm 454, trying to figure out what google meant by 'turn left' after they told me to turn right on nm 454. Because there were no left turns on nm 454. Not in either direction.
But back to the wet sand, caught in the space between my tires and fenders. Sending me ricocheting off the bike and into truck tracks. Bringing me to frustrated, curse the heavens, melting point (over and over and over again).
There was no cell service, no cars, no escape. On the sand for 15 miles, or about 3 hours.
Then I rode blocked a truck and hitched the rest of the way to silver city. That was my day.
I called forth so many people I love and miss and had them ride (well, walk) phantom bikes beside me. You help, friends. And it made me cry for all the people who have to walk through the desert to survive. Mine was the most minute glimpse into this hardship, and it was damn humbling.

November 25 56 miles : duncan, az to silver city, new mexico

1 comment:

  1. Aw MAN!! That is so UNFAIR!! Love you, turkey, and hope you had me on the ghost train beside ya. We would have laughed our patooties off.
